Ancient Rome

Link to Photos is HERE.
I have switched photo processing software from Picasso to Lightroom. Lightroom is incredibly powerful in processing, but needs more options for web exportation. I might use Picassa for my export and develop in Lightroom. The jury is not in yet.
Here is a series of photos form our trip to Rome in August. They consist of the ancient structures around Rome that we visited such as the forum, coliseum, and the arch of Constantine (above).
Rome is the most historically rich city I have ever visited. Like Paris, you could spend a month and not see everything, but unlike Paris, Rome's observable history extends back several thousand years.
Though Rome is everything you would expect there were some surprises. Construction workers found a complex of ancient temples to Roman gods some years ago. They have been excavated and converted in a sanctuary for Cats of all things. The cats gather around the alters and steps and its does not take much imagination to feel like they are there to attend to these old gods. The cats are apparently prized in some fashion as at least one person hired someone to catnap one from the complex.
Palatine hill is a must see. It is the historical birthplace of Rome and the seat of Roman emperors. Mussolini’s Presidential Palace was built there and it still stands bearing his imperial eagle.
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