Warwick Castle

I was in Birmingham UK on business and my return flight had to be booked on a Saturday. I planned a late flight and did some sight seeing around Birmingham with an evening in the Sulihull district.
Warwick castle is combination Renesainse faire, museum, and theme park. They have a huge trebuchet, an archery, jousting, and falconry demonstration, a hall filled with weapons and a rooms that either show what the castle looked like in differant periods, or told a historical story relevant to the castle and it's heyday.
Though nothing be impressed with they did an above average job on the costumes as far as authenticy. The Jousting demonstration was very week and very modernized in a lot of ways--the demonstration at the Haar Ren Faire last year was tons better.
The best part was the great hall , notably the Irish Elk Antlers, and the firing of the trebuchet. Photo's are here.
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