City of Rome

Link to Photos is HERE.
These photos are processed in Ligthroom, but exported to the web with Picassa. I am still undecided what looks best--feedback would be great.
This is my collection of photos from the visit to Rome that are more general to the city and landscape oriented. There are shots of ancient Rome, modern Rome, The Vatican, and anything else of note in and around the city that we saw.
We did a night walk in Rome that included the Pantheon and the Trevi fountain. Trevi is very crowded with tourists, but you can still get a good look at it--no wading allowed. Also on the night walk was the column of Marcus Aerilius. I really liked this column, but I failed to capture it well in the picture. It is worth the detour to go see. The detail of the carvings are impressive to say the least.
On the drive to Pompeii we got a good look at Monte Cassino. This was the site of brutal fighting during WWII where the Germans attempted to hold the allied advance from a prepared defensive line. This battle had notable participation and casualty from the 2nd core free Polish who fought with the allies vs several division of German troops that were in positions around the monastery. Its value as a strategic position is easy to see even today.
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