Tanks in Town

I attended a WWII re-enactment event in Mons, Belgium called “Tanks in Town”. This was a incredible event with dozens and dozens of armored vehicles. Many are extremely rare and most are fully operational. It was a great day.
I have decided that I need an M5 Stuart...no I NEED and M5 Stuart. I am told one occasionally goes on the market for about$50,000. It's worth that--that’s like a sports car only this is like an investment! Seriously I got to sit in every position of a fully restored Stuart, look through the gun site, play with the controls and hatches--it was a blast. To my surprise I actually fit inside one though it was tight going in...
The still photos speak for themselves, but here are some observations:
-There was a group of re-enactors who dressed like and had their campsite up like Kelly's Hero's. They even had a still from the movie of the campsite they rebuilt.
-Tanks not moving in heavy cover are very hard to see.
-The most unusual part of the whole day was walking around hundreds of people dressed as American soldiers and not being able to find anyone that speaks English to tell me how to sign up for a tank ride. Including the "GI's" that where doing the sign in sheets for the tank rides.
All Pictures are here.
Here is a move of an M18 Hellcat spinning around the track: